Ketu - South Node of Moon

Ketu - Dragon's Tail and South Node of Moon in Cats Eye Nebula

Kethum karala vadanam, chithra varnam, kireetinam,
Pranamami sada kethum, dwajaakaaram graheswaram.

I always salute Ketu, who has face filled with horror, Who is of multiple
colors, has a crown, Who is shaped like a flag and is the Lord of planets.

Chithra varna sira pathu, bhalam dhoomra samudhyuthi,
Pathu nethre pingalaksha, sruthi may raktha lochana.

Let the multicolored one protect my head, Let my hair be protected by he
who produces smoke, Let my eyes be protected by one with reddish
brown eye, And let what I hear be protected by He who has red blood eyes.

Granam pathu swarnabha, schibukam simhikasutha,
Pathum cha kandam may Kethu, skandou pathu grahadhipa.

Let my smell be protected by him who shines like gold, Let my chin be
protected by the son of Simhika, Let my neck and feet be protected by
Ketu, And let the Lord of Planets protect my shoulder

Hasthou pathu sura sreshta, kukshim pathu maha graha,
Simhasana katim pathu, madhyam pathu mahasura.

Let my arms be protected by the chief of devas, Let the great planet
protect my belly, Let my hip be protected by he who sits on the
throne, And let the great asura protect my middle.

Ooru pathu maha seersho, januni may athi kopana,
Pathu padhou cha may kroora, sarvangam nara pingala.

Let my thighs be protected by the great head, Let my knees be protected
by him with great anger, Let my feet be protected by the cruel one, And let
all my parts of body be protected by the reddish brown God.

Ya idham kavacham divyam, sarva roga vinasanam,
Sarva shathru vinasam cha, dharanad vijayi bhaved.

This holy armour destroys all diseases, Destroys all enemies and,
Once worn will make you victorious.

Ithi Brahmanda Purane Kethu Kavacham sampoornam.
Thus ends the Armour of Ketu from Brahmanda Purana.

Ketu - South Node of Moon

Ketu is a non-luminary in Vedic Astrology; Ketu is called a chhaya graha (shadowy planet); it does not emit any light, it does not reflect light. Why then, does Vedic Astrology have non-luminaries? Consider the matter of eclipses: The Moon eclipses the Sun, the Sun and Earth eclipse the Moon. What then, is the astrological cause of these eclipses? At the point when the moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic (the celestial equator) - at these points, eclipses occur, and they have astrological significance. The Lunar Nodes show the times when the solar and lunar forces obstruct each other or cancel each other out. So they show the point for short-circuits of solar and lunar energies. This Universe - and all Universes - are simply light, light, light; where the light is occluded, obstruction is occurring.

In astrology, planets are the forces; the signs are the fields (kshethra) the forces operate in.

Ketu, the South Node (or descending node) is the point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the galactic equator) to the South. The influence of the South Node is descending, contracting, internalising; the South Node is less negative than the North Node..

Eclipses of the Sun and Moon can occur in proximity to either of the nodes (South Node is called Ketu - North Node is called Rahu); the nodes were regarded as te two halves of a dismembered demon (asura in Hindu mythology) which swallows one of the luminaries and causes the eclipse. In Vedic Astrology, a conjunction with either of these nodes is an eclipse of that planet - in which its energy is in some way obstructed, negated or liberated. It must be kept in mind that eclipses are points of energy transformation, and the transformation may be for good or for bad.

Showing the Lunar and Solar Paths and the roles of Rahu and Ketu

Showing the Lunar and Solar Paths and the roles of Rahu and Ketu

Mythology of Ketu

Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes, are the most terrible planets born in the race of asuras (demons). Whenever the Sun or Moon enter the Nodes' space, those shining ones begin to quiver in fear, for an eclipse occurs whenever these demons conjoin the luminaries. Some say that Rahu expressly afflicts the Moon, and Ketu the Sun. Rahu and Ketu likewise eclipse the lives of living beings, and, though they spare no one, you can be happy if you worship them and make approprite offerings. Since they among the planets are particularly cruel, it is essential to worship them regularly. When propitated, Rahu fills one with mercy and removes diseases and fear of snakes, while a pleased Ketu gives transcendental wisdom. (Source: Shani Mahatmya, The Greatness of Saturn).

Influence of Ketu

Ketu creates doubt, disturbance, and wilfullness, a critical and narrow vision in life that leads to conflict and disturbances. Ketu shows an individual contracting from mass energies, negativities floating around in the spheres, and less likely to be taken up by energies controlling entire masses of peoples. However, this internalisation of energies may lead to isolated, alienated, withdrawn personalities.

Ketu, as South Node, has power to dim the Sun (or cast shadow on the Sun). This is sometimes called negative Sun, which symbolises self-doubt, lack of self-confidence, and lack of self-worth. As with Rahu, Ketu can lead to internal fantasies of self-aggrandisement or megalomania. Ketu has the power to overcome the Sun which (in the person) results in an overly-critical contraction of energies. Ketu may also obstruct the Moon, creating a psychic sensitivity which may result in macabre side of life, a fascination and attraction to the dark side of the numinous, resulting in obsessions with horror, dread, awe and the beam which pulls people into the unknown powerfully; filled with awe-filled, ominous feelings.

Therefore, balance is needed, and phenomena needs to be observed for what it is, phenomena, maya. People with a strong Ketu may easily detach from being controlled by phenomena. The flip side of ominous is numinous. Numinous is fascinating, attractive and compelling; it is mystery, revelation and very divinity itself; therefore, Ketu is known as karaka (dispositor, giver, mover) of liberation - release from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Ketu indicates difficult personal karma such as long term addictions and compulsions. It represents karma that is much more deep-seated, introverted and internalised.

In its positive side Ketu shows karmic accomplishment - those skills and abilities which we have perfected in previous lives which we bring into this life fully developed. For this reason those souls who are born with great abilities - natural psychics, healers, those with musical or mathematical skills and so forth - will have a prominent South Node (Ketu). Many old souls have a very strong Ketu.

Ketu and the Six Enemies of Man

The six enemies of man keep us in their noose and divert us from the true purpose of life. These are are Kama (Desire, passions) Krodha (Anger) Madhya (Intoxicants- drugs, alcohol etc) Moha (Attachment) Lobha (Greed) and Matsaya (Jealousy).

All humans have the capacity to master the mind and become a Mastermind. Therefore, we need to control our instincts rather than allowing ourselves to be controlled by them. Both Rahu and Ketu have the ability to keep our mind focused on these instincts - Rahu by exaggerating and Ketu by obscuring or blocking. We are tied down to the cycle of unhappiness and dissatisfaction as we cannot break away from our lower selves.

We are born again and again to experience the pleasures and pains of the earthly life until we recognise them to be the illusions that they are. On a subconscious level we are afraid that if we give up these desires, we will lose out. Rahu and Ketu deal with the inner fight within us, the moral and the social choices we have to constantly make and the inner dilemmas which accompany these choices. It is Ketu who grants transcendental insight and wisdom during the struggle against the six enemies of man.

Ketu and Health

Ketu causes mysterioius, collective or psychological imabalances. As Ketu has similarities to Mars (Kuja vat Ketu), on the mundane, worldly levels it indicates catastrophes, wars or accidents involving large numbers of people. On a personal, physical level, Ketu causes neuromuscular disorders, cancer and febrile diseases, particularly those that damage the brain or the nervous system. Like Mars, it causes infection, bleeding or toxicity but often at a deeper level of the blood or nervous system. On the other hand, a well-placed Ketu gives resistance to disease, acuity of mind and senses, physical strength and agility.

Prayers, Mantras and Slokas

Simple Mantra for Ketu: Om Kem Ketave Namaha

Salutation to Ketu


"I offer my obeisances to the violent and fearsome Ketu,
who is endowed with the potency of Lord Shiva.
Resembling in his complexion the flower of a palasa plant,
he serves as the head of the stars and planets."

Ketu Shakti Mantra:

Om Hum Kem Ketave Namah

The word 'Hum' in this mantra denotes Havana Shakti, the power of offering, sacrifice, destruction and transformation. . This mantra is preceeded by (Shakti) or power. It can be used to connect with Ketu to energize all the higher powers of this non-luminary graha.

Ketu Bija (seed) mantra:

"Om sraam sreem sraum sah ketave namaha"
RESULT: The planetary deity Ketu is pleased granting victory over enemies, favour from the King or government, influence over the masses, and reduction in mystery illnesses and mystery diseases caused by Ketu.

Ketu Gayatri Mantra:

Om ashwadwajaaya vidmahe
soola hastaaya dheemahi
tanno ketu prachodayat

"Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a trident in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Ketu illuminate my mind"


Download Ketu Ashttottara Shatanamavali (108 names of Ketu)

Ketu Graha Dhyana Shlokam

Ketu - South Node in your Chart

To discover the influence of Ketu and the placement in your natal chart, seek an astrological reading with the Puttparthi Vedic Astrologer, Sai Bharathi. You may seek one reading here and make payment thought Paypal.