Astrology Reports for Marriage

Astrology Reports for Marriage

Astrology and Marriage

The day, the portion of the day, the general ceremonies, marriage and the performance of vows … are determined through lunar time. (Surya Siddhantha 14:7 passim)

Astrology Services for Your Marriage

Love Astrology Place Chart

When and where shall you find your true, true love?

Astrology has aspects of akasha, space and place; it may be that your opportunities for love come about in a certain place. Your love options may flourish at a specific place. Planets rule all the directions in the compass, as do signs and houses. Depending on when you were born, some places may be better for you to find love. To know which place is better suitable for your love prospects and where your stars could shine can be indicated by Love Astrology Place Chart. You may order one Love Astrology place chart below.

Relationship Analysis Report

No matter what type of relationship you share with your partner – attraction, love, romantic and sexual relationship, marriage relationship of personal support. ‘Compatibility and understanding’ is the factor that makes the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. Relationship Analysis or birth chart matching implies the compatibility between two persons on the emotional, mental, ideological and behavioral fronts when they want to enter into a relationship. It involves arriving at a conclusion whether they would support and co-operate with each other or which aspects would be strong or weak in their relationship. You may order one Relationship Analysis Report below.

Love Matters/ Analysis/ Compatibility Report

How can you ensure compatibility in your marital life? A set of astrology calculations to find the right match (ideal partner), right combination (propitious planets in the couple’s horoscope) and influence of marriage disturbing planets in the horoscope will help you make a good choice and set you on a path to a golden future together. Using the drop-down list, you may order your compatibility report below.

Love Transit Report

The planets are in perpetual motion, moving from sign to sign, house to house, casting their sight (sometimes called drishti) at different aspects on different houses. The moon is the fastest moving planet, and the location of the Moon is most important in compatibility analysis. The lady’s Moon, the Man’s Venus, the location of Mars and the aspects cast by Mars are most important. You can order a love transit report for three or six months, below.

Marriage Astrology Report

Marriage is the most joyful, satisfying event that may happen to a person. It can also be the most stressful event. Pyschologists list marriage as one of the three most stressful events in the life of a human. You extend your boundaries, live with another, and all the prarabdha karma of both partners come into play. How will you live together and perform your duty to society and raise children of human excellence? Find out with yuor Marriage Astrology Report. You can order your Marriage Astrology Report below.

Love Partner Comparison Report

Love is in the Air! So you have met someone perfect, someone wonderful. Now then, what is the synastry, the correllation and sanguine possibilities between you? You have seen someone who is the perfect other, the great match with whom you hope you might be satisfied with. How can you confirm your desires? Do you want to be sure? You can order your Love Partner Comparison Report below.

De Facto Relationships and Astrology

Marriage is an event where partners exchange vows in public before witnesses – those witnesses being the society into which those partners will live and contribute. Now-a-days, many are cohabiting for years, children are born to these unions, and if they split, we have single parent families. What are the influences of the planets and what is indicated in these situations? If this is your situation, order a Love Matters report below, and being to understand the soul path for this lifetime. Get some guidance, order a Love Matters / Analysis report in the option dropdowns below. .

Children, de-facto Relationships and Astrology

On the other hand, if children are born in a defacto – or cohabitation arrangement between two partners, then the children are witness to a situation which vedic astrology, jyotisha regards as a marriage. Astrology reports are available for these situations also; you may order a Love Matters / Analysis report below for your guidance towards the future.

Order a Reading

Sai Bhaarati Astro Centre offers a range of services. You may order your astro marriage advice below:

Love and Marriage Astrology Readings

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Astrology Reports Available


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